Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wednesday, May 23, 2007 Madawaska, ME

This is almost like going to work. Up at 6:00 and on the road at 7:30. 45 degrees – double liner in the jacket , warmer gloves, heated grips on high (thanks Noel). Should have put my foot warmers in the boots. I have to say this about the people that take care of I-87, it is the cleanest, smoothest US highway I have traveled. No gravel, pieces of tires, or dead animals anywhere. You could tell it wasn’t new, but it sure traveled like it was. One hour to Plattsburgh and had till 9:00 for Dame Motorsports to open. The lead tech came out and listened to what I though was a noise, but I might have been hearing things. He fiddled around a while and discovered that a cover over exhaust was missing a grommet or three – probably from when the recall for the frame weld was done- and was a little loose. That sounded like the kind of noise I was hearing, so with his educated opinion, I breathed a sigh of relief and took off – for breakfast. This traveling stuff does a number on your appetite – even with a light breakfast, I couldn’t finish it.
I was amazed by the landscape in Quebec. Flat as Florida with as much agriculture as Kansas. Everywhere you look, there are 8 wheel tractors (mostly John Deere) pulling plows, discs, spreaders, anything you see in the midwest . You travel for miles and see nothing but fields getting ready to be planted, and all of sudden you have a big commercial condos selling everything including – yep – John Deere tractors. Once I got to the town of Quebec and started traveling along the St Lawrence, the temp dropped from a very comfortable mid 70’s to high 50’s. That’s a very drastic drop when you’re exposed to the wind. Some very scenic landscapes as you travel along the banks of the St. Lawrence. I wish there were places to pull over and take pictures
As I pulled into Madawaska and over to the post office for the required picture, 2 fellas pulled up next to me asked if I was doing the 4corners tour. They work for the chamber of commerce and are always looking for motorcyclists. So much so that they even have started a monument designating Madawaska an the northeastern most of the points. They showed me where the monument will be placed and took me over to have my picture taken at the monument off site. I then met the President of the chamber as he walked over from McDonalds. What a neat little community. I can’t imagine living here. Some of the trees are just starting to get leaves, and ther’s still some snow in some areas, but it’s a neat spot to visit.

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