Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thursday, May 24, 2007 Albany, NY

Off to an early start, 7:00, but by the time I finished mailing the documentation and going thru customs, it was 7:30. 44degrees and light rain, but opted not to use the gerbings electric jacket and gloves - it wasn't THAT cold. Check out the road sign - you don't see that in Ohio. The rain let up pretty quick and it got warm by the time I hit the St Lawrence. I thought it would be cold again near the water, but by the time I got to Quebec, it was over 80 and got as high as 88 during the ride. I'm finding out my water mug is not big enough to last through one fill-up. I went one exit to far on this leg. I knew I should have pulled off the exit that I went past but figured there's GOT to be another exit with a motel. NOPE! All I was going to do was stop a little short of Albany, and then map out the next days route, but got caught up in an area of no motels, no gas stations, and no way to turn around. So I'm somewhere in Albany (across from a hospital-just in case) and I'm sure that somehow, I'll get to where ever it is I'm going tomorrow. Went a little over 600 miles today and thought that was pretty good until I looked at a map and saw how far I have to go yet. Oh well - one day at a time!
Tried calling my cousin Lee to see if she was back in NC for a visit, but as yet, have not heard back. Haven't seen her in quite a while, and have never been to her house. Besides - she's only about 35 miles from Kinston where the Indians advanced A minor league club plays. Nothing like an Indians baseball game!
Now I realize why the big motorcycle touring rally "AMERICADE" is held in Lake George. What an absolutely beautiful part of the country!! Now I know why people go to Schroon Lake. But they really need to update their motels.

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